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Welcome Our Final Cohort!!!


We had so many wonderful applications this year that it was difficult to make our selections.  Please congratulate the following schools:

West Perry Elementary

Viper Elementary

R.W. Combs Elementary

Whitesburg Middle School

West Whitesburg Elementary

Cowen Elementary

Arlie Boggs Elementary

Duff Allen Central Elementary

Allen Elementary

Betsy Layne Elementary

Cumberland Elementary

Millard Elementary

Phelps High School

Belfry Elementary

Clinton County Middle School

Middlesboro High School

Poage Elementary

Charles Russell Elementary

South Magoffin Elementary

Kentucky Valley Education Cooperative is one of 22 recipients nationwide who have been awarded a Project Prevent grant from the United States Department of Education to help students who have been exposed to violence or trauma. This grant began in October, 2014, allowing funding to include seventy participating schools over the course of the 5 year funding life.


KVEC has chosen Ripple Effects, an award winning Social Emotional Learning technology based software system to anchor this project.  Ripple Effects not only addresses trauma and violence, but operates on the three tier intervention model offering content to benefit each and every student.


KVEC teamed up with Ripple Effects to develop a new interface option for the Teen software.  This new interface reflects images of rural life that students outside of  urban and suburban areas can identify with.  Regional students from southeastern Kentucky partnered their talents in the areas of graphics, photography, acting, and voice-over narration to help bring this new interface to life.

Rated for Grades 2 - 5

Screen for Strengths
Screen for Strengths

Resiliency screening tool

Rated for Grades 6 and Up

Ripple Effects Teens
Ripple Effects Kids
Ripple Effects Staff

Educator Resource

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